
2 Foods to lower cancer risk and blood pressure

I just read these 2 tips in Mens Health and figured I'd pass them along...

1. According to Mens Health, in a Washington State University study, people who drank a daily shake with whey protein for 6 weeks lowered their blood pressure by about 8 points. Apparently whey protein may help to improve the function of blood vessel linings according to the study author.

Of course, you probably already know some of the other muscle building and fat loss benefits of a quality whey protein too. I use whey protein in all of my post workout smoothies, and lately I've also been adding vanilla whey to my yogurt/berry/nut mixtures for an extra protein boost.

FYI - my favorite whey protein that I've found is this grass-fed raw whey protein, which is one of the highest quality that I've been able to find.

Almost all whey proteins on the market are made from milk from factory farm cows that are crowded inside horrendous "milk factories" and fed mostly corn, both of which makes the cows sick. I've verified that the whey listed above is from truly grass-fed cows that spend their time outdoors eating grass, and not corn.

Also, on the topic of lowering blood pressure... over the past year, I've been trying to help my mom with some natural remedies to help lower her elevated blood pressure. In my searching, I purchased several different manuals and books about blood pressure...

However, the absolute best one that I read about six months ago was from a natural health author named Frank Mangano, and it's called The Blood Pressure Miracle.

This manual had TONS of great tips and several dozen really interesting natural remedies for lowering blood pressure without dangerous drugs. It was by far the best blood pressure manual that I've read.

2. The second study that I just read about in Mens Health shows how fish oil may help prevent pancreatic cancer.

The study was from the International Journal of Cancer, and found that participants who took at least 850 mg of omega-3's per day reduced the risk of developing pancreatic cancer by 53%.

Although this study only talked about pancreatic cancer, I think we already know how powerful the EPA and DHA types of omega-3's in fish oil can be for so many aspects of our health besides just cancer risk.

Warning:  I've been reading more and more studies recently about many types of fish oil on the market that have gone rancid in the processing of that fish oil, or contain other contaminants in the fish oil.

Make sure to read this page that shows problems with some fish oils on the market.

I'll be back soon with more Lean-Body Secrets.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
Author - The Truth About Six Pack Abs


Top 3 Flat Belly Spices

You probably already know that some herbs and spices are some of the most potent antioxidants on the planet...and they all have unique types of antioxidants, varying health benefits, and some even have properties that help you to get a leaner body...

With that said... here are 3 of the absolute healthiest:

1. This first one is from my good friend, and famous nutritionist, Isabel De Los Rios - author of my favorite nutrition program, The Diet Solution Program


Ginger is a plant that is used as a natural spice and has been used by Chinese herbalists for more than 2,500 years in flavoring foods and part of natural medicines.

One of ginger's biggest "claims to fame" is its ability to quickly calm the digestive system to relieve distress and discomfort from gas pains and cramping. It also has been used to relieve nausea from motion sickness, morning sickness or the occasional "I just ate the wrong thing and it's killing my stomach!".

Ginger has also been used in the treatment and prevention of inflammatory conditions like painful arthritis and it's a wonderful cold and flu fighter.

So we know ginger is definitely a great food to keep the body super healthy, but does it have the ability to assist the body in burning fat? Yes, ginger root has been found to help accelerate the metabolism and assists in reducing stomach bloating by helping food digest properly.

For me, any food that will assist my digestion and keep my stomach feeling good is a food that is well worth adding to my meal plans. I also really enjoy the delicious taste of ginger and love adding it to several different recipes. I try to add ginger to almost any fish dishes.

2. Turmeric:

Turmeric is thought by many nutritionists and health professionals to be quite possibly the healthiest spice on the planet. It is also thought to be one of the most powerful anti-cancer spices.

The extreme health benefits of turmeric

3. Blood sugar controlling cinnamon:

Yes, that's right... one of the healthiest spices on earth that also helps to control your blood sugar response:

Read how cinnamon can help to fight abdominal fat

Enjoy those healthy spices and get a leaner body!

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer


Trick to end cravings and double your fat loss

If you are having trouble with over-eating, keeping your portions under control, or with sugar cravings - then please read this entire post.

I am about to show you a weird technique that clinical studies have shown increases the amount of fat you can lose by 146%, and more importantly ... this is weight loss over the long term!
And this is NOT about willpower, discipline, a fad diet, or taking a bunch of worthless weight loss pills... (I have seen every fat loss scam and scheme out there).

You and I both know these are a waste of time and money. And you usually end up adding more fat to your body because you have totally messed up your metabolism...
A fat loss tool that really works...
Not only has this tool been proven to more than double your weight loss results, it also makes a lot of sense.

That's because instead of relying on magic or super-human feats of willpower, this actually makes it easier for you to make the right food choices.

The technique is called medical hypnosis, and this specific program has been helping normal people just like you lose weight the right way for over 5 years...

Before you scoff, let me assure you that this isn't new-age clap trap!

Dr. Temes is on the Department of Psychiatry at the SUNY Health Science Center Medical School so everything she does is based on research and not "pop" psychology or mainstream hype.

More importantly, this particular program is PROVEN to actually work for long term weight loss.

Independently tested to Work for Weight Loss 92% of the Time

This is the only hypnosis program independently tested to get results. The National Health and Wellness Club tested this program with 50 of their members, and 92% got results.

This means that over 9 out of 10 people get results, compare this with any other weight loss program of any other kind and you simply will not see results like these.

This is why it is the first pure hypnosis program I have ever recommended.

How this program will help you lose fat and get a lean body...

Just by closing your eyes and relaxing for less than 20 minutes day, your brain will begin to absorb a new way of thinking about food and health.

Because it is working at a deep level, It won't be about denying yourself; you just won't want what's bad for you in the first place... THIS IS KEY! After working in the fitness and diet field for over a decade, I've found that the biggest obstacle for most people is not lack of knowledge, but not being able to stick with their diet plan.

And get this, you generally don't even think about it while it's working.

Natalie Laevsky from Brooklyn, New York is an example. After using the CDs, here's what she had to say:

"For three weeks, while listening to the CDs every day, I have lost 14 pounds without any increased effort. And this is after many years of struggling with weight and trying a lot of different programs and pills. I am so happy..."

 Notice how effortless this is for Natalie now. She is finally off of the fat loss roller coaster.

It is your turn to finally take control and get a lean body forever...

I want to be clear, this may not work for everyone (about one out of ten people will not get results). But if you are overweight and it has anything to do with overeating or not being able to resist the wrong foods... then giving this a try simply makes sense.

Some other great things that will happen to you in just 20 relaxing minutes a day:
  • Cravings can be reduced instantaneously, allowing you to stop binging before you start
  • New neural pathways will be created that empower you to replace unhealthy eating habits with healthy ones
  • Experience effortless motivation without relying on willpower
  • Your desire for sodas will be eliminated and replaced with a craving for WATER!
  • Pounds will melt away as you automatically eat the right foods and the right portions
  • Most people notice a dramatic change within just 21 days!
Less expensive than you would think
Seeing Dr. Temes in person would cost you well over $300 per session. In this program you get seven powerful sessions. But because these are recorded, you will not pay anything close to $2,000.

 Because I believe in this program and because it is so important to your health that you are able to stop the dietary self-sabotage, we have negotiated a great way for you to try the program.

The seven sessions on CD would normally cost you $119 (which I think is more than fair).

But for my readers, The Hypnosis Network is going to add $75 worth of valuable bonuses and has cut the price to under $100.

And because they are confident you are going to get results, they are going to let you try it for 30 days for just the cost of shipping.

And they guarantee their program for a whole year.

This means you can test what could be a life changing program at absolutely no risk to you.

Why carry around those unwanted pounds when you can finally get rid of them so easily?

You'll feel a lot better (both emotionally and physically), you'll live longer, and you'll look better than ever.

To your new lean body and good health,

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer
Author of best-selling program:  The Truth about Six-Pack Abs

P.S. Oh, I almost forgot to mention:

  • This program is "eating plan agnostic" - it works with any smart nutrition plan. Over 20% of the people on the program use it to stay on a plan given to them by a nutritionist or dietician. If you're currently using the nutrition plans from TruthAboutAbs or one of my favorites, The Diet Solution program, this program will help you stick to the plans without fail!
  • You can use this program in the privacy of your own home. Seven sessions that you can use over and over again.
  • This is the best time for you to save. These 7 sessions on CD cost $250 less than just ONE session with Dr. Temes in person.
  • And it helps to know the kind of feedback this program has been getting:
"After using the weight loss hypnosis CDs for 3 weeks I have lost 6 pounds. I am sleeping better and just feel better overall. I am paying more attention to my food choices, and to exactly how I am feeling, asking: 'Am I genuinely hungry? Or is it thirst, boredom, loneliness, etc.?' Mainly, I don't feel like I am on a 'DIET'..."
Cindy Mears
Brattleboro, Vermont

* Kirsch, Irving (1996). Hypnotic enhancement of cognitive-behavioral weight loss treatments --Another meta-reanalysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 64 (3), 517-519.

 In a meta-analysis, comparing the results of adding hypnosis to weight loss treatment across multiple studies showed that adding hypnosis increased weight loss by an average of 97% during treatment, and even more importantly increased the effectiveness POST TREATMENT by over 146%. This shows that hypnosis works even better over time