
The Top 10 "mad scientist" exercises for abs, butt, chest, arms

I've got a great new report for you today (at no cost) from my friend, the "mad scientist", Nick Nillson.

This report shows 10 killer exercises that you've most likely never even heard of. Seriously, you might have seen 1 or 2 of these exercises before, but most of them are crazy unique...

Wait til you see Mad Scientist exercise #1... it's BRUTAL on your abs! love it.

There's a unique exercise in here for almost every body part too... glutes, chest, triceps, biceps, etc, etc.... really cool stuff.

Go here to get your free Top 10 "Mad Scientist" Exercises

I think you'll love this report!

I'll be back soon with more Lean-Body Secrets

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Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer

Jackie from interviews Mike Geary on Truth About Abs and Fat Burning Kitchen nutrition and exercise philosophy