
The real deal on antioxidants, ORAC, free radicals, etc

Here's a good article below from Registered Dietician Jayson Hunter on everything you've ever wanted to know about antioxidants, ORAC value, so-called "superfoods", and some of the benefits to your health, skin, appearance, etc... and also, which "shady" advertisers to stay away from regarding antioxidants...

Also, if you happened to miss the email a couple days ago about the free back-pain relief book that my friend Jesse Cannone is giving away (including a $2 donation to charity for every book he gives away), check it out here:

I'll be back in a few days with the next Lean-Body Secrets Ezine.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
Author - The Truth about Six Pack Abs

Fitness, fat loss, diet and nutrition articles