
Realistic Diet Plans... the 5 Simple Steps to a Perfect Diet for You

Hi, it's Mike here, back with another Lean-Body Secrets Ezine. First off, let me start with this delicious and ridiculously healthy Lean-Body dinner that I made the other day:
  • 2 tender and juicy marinated/broiled venison fillets - medium rare
  • 1 whole fresh zucchini sliced with fresh diced garlic and onions, and cooked in a touch of olive oil
  • 1 medium sweet potato sliced into thin slivers and slow cooked in a pan with 1 Tbsp virgin coconut oil (can find at certain health food stores), cinnamon, 1/4 cup pineapple juice, and a touch of real maple syrup (organic)
Wow, this was a pretty simple dinner, but it was incredible! This is one of those basic meals that I make frequently, but I always love. Give it a try (or something similar)... your body will thank you!

Every now and then I like to let you in on one of the recent training or nutrition books that I've read and give you my opinion on it. I just recently finished reading Simply Eat by Jon Benson, and I was very excited to find that this book almost fully agrees with my philosophies on food.

Usually, I'll read one of these new nutrition and diet plan books, and they're full of all kinds of crap about needing to eat "low-fat", or "low-carb", or some other low or high something. So I was pleasantly surprised to find that Jon's book breaks down all of the confusion in the world of nutrition today, and simplifies it to 5 easy steps that will work no matter what your specific food preferences are.

One of the things that I really liked about this book is that Jon focuses on whole unprocessed food in its natural state, instead of all of the highly processed junk that fills the grocery stores these days... which coincides EXACTLY with my philosophy on food!

Jon also gives some excellent meal plan ideas that really sound delicious. Anyway, I really enjoyed Simply Eat and recommend you take a look through it. Definitely one of the best nutrition and diet plan books I've read. Heck, for only $15, it's a steal too.

Ok, that's all for today. Have a great day, and I'll be in touch soon with more Lean-Body Secrets.

Stay Lean,

Mike GearyFounder - &
Marlton, NJ, USA